BUSINESS 우리의 기술과 열정으로 인류의 건강한 삶을 실현합니다.

    Retail business


    The Home Meal Replacement (HMR) and food and beverage markets are growing significantly as the number
    of single-person households increases.
    We are conducting product planning and distribution business with a verified OEM manufacturer based on the
    status of the primary vendor for the 4 major convenience stores in Korea.

    Competency leading to product development, distribution, and sales

    Distribution capability

    We have distribution codes that can be delivered to major convenience stores in Korea, and cover a wide range of areas including SSM, local commercial areas, and online. We have all of the infrastructure to distribute products widely to highway rest areas, school cafeterias, and home shopping channels as well as to 17 countries.

    Distribution capability

    We have unique products and design planning capabilities that reflect the needs of the market and are currently distributing more than 21 types of products such as convenience foods, beverages, and desserts. We are also expanding our product portfolio through partnerships with various brands.